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The Regression Mastermind Program
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Your Training Manual's PDF's
Lesson 1: What is Hypnosis & Regression?
Lesson 2: Understanding Regression - Other Lives, Other Realities
Lesson 3: Recap of Module 1
Lesson 4: Self Assessment Tasks
Module 2: The Conscious & Subconscious Mind Within Other Lives Regression
Lesson 1: The Conscious & Subconscious Mind
Lesson 2: The Brain Waves & Past, Future, Parallel & Between Lives
Lesson 3: Different Approaches to Regression
Lesson 4: The Qualities of a Regression Specialist
Lesson 5: Recap on Module 2
Lesson 6: Self Assessments
Module 3: Past, Future Or Parallel?
Lesson 1: The Concept of Time
Lesson 2: The Differences of Past, Future, Parallel & Between Lives
Lesson 3: Is It Real?
Lesson 3a: Experience Your Own Regression Session
Lesson 4: The Moment is Now
Lesson 5: Why Incarnate?
Lesson 6: Karma and it's Concept
Lesson 7: The Concept of Past Life Regression
Lesson 8: Using Past Life Regression as a Foundation
Lesson 9: Recap on Module 3
Lesson 10: Self Assessments
Module 4: Past Life Regression As A Foundation
Lesson 1: The Regression Consultation Process, Contradictions & Establishing the Intent of the Session
Lesson 2: The Benefits of a Past Life Regression Session
Lesson 3: Single or Multiple Lives Regression
Lesson 4: The Process of a Past Life Regression Session
Lesson 5: Moving Straight to a Past Life Memory or via Childhood Memories
Lesson 6: Hypnotic Inductions & The Deepening Process For Regression
Lesson 7: Introducing a Safe Place Within the Session & Why
Lesson 8: Abreactions
Lesson 9: Client Led or Therapist Led Session
Lesson 10: Blocking
Lesson 10a: Regression Preparation Recording
Lesson 11: Demonstration of a Hypnotic Induction, Deepener & Safe Place
Lesson 12: Hypnotic Induction, Deepener & Safe Place Exercise
Lesson 13: Recap of Module 4
Lesson 14: Self Assessments
Module 5: Other Lives & The First Point Of Pain
Lesson 1: The First Point of Pain: What This Is & Why It Happens
Lesson 2: FPOP In Other Lives & Connecting It To This Lifetime
Lesson 3: Recurring Events in Other Lives & Connecting to this Lifetime
Lesson 4: The Process of a Past Life Regression Session
Lesson 5: Recap of Module 5
Lesson 6: Self Assessments
Module 6: The Past Lives Process
Lesson 1: Moving Into the Past Life Memories
Lesson 2: The Initial Significant Past Life Regression Scene
Lesson 3: Initial Questions to Ground the Client Within the Session
Lesson 4: Exploring & Moving Through The Scenes
Lesson 5: Healing Opportunities in the Early Scenes
Lesson 6: The Death Scene & It's Importance
Lesson 7: Back to Energy
Lesson 8: Recognition of Other Souls in that Life & Current Lifetime
Lesson 9: Understanding Thoughts & Feelings From That Life & Contracts/Promises Made That Connect to Now
Lesson 10: Healing Interventions
Lesson 11: Gifts From That Life
Lesson 12: Bringing the Session Together in Conclusion
Lesson 13: Post Session for the Client
Lesson 14: Consultation Process & Past Life Session
Lesson 15: Past Life Regression Exercise
Lesson 16: Recap of Module 6
Lesson 17: Self Assessments
Module 7: Moving Through Time Into Other Lives
Lesson 1: Future Life Progression
Lesson 2: Moving Forward, Future Lives & the Consultation Process
Lesson 3: Parallel Quantum Lives & Decisions
Lesson 4: Seeing the Bigger Picture
Lesson 5: The Benefits
Lesson 6: The Reality of Your Consciousness - Moving Beyond Belief
Lesson 7: Releasing Energy From Other Lives
Lesson 8: Parallel Decisions
Lesson 9: Parallel Quantum Lives - Beyond Time
Lesson 10: Releasing Energy to/from Others
Lesson 11: Letting Go
Lesson 12: The Eternal Connection
Lesson 13: The Process of a Parallel Decisions & a Parallel Quantum Lives Session
Lesson 14: Healing Interventions
Lesson 15: Consultation for Parallel Decision & Parallel Quantum Lives Session
Lesson 16: Session for Parallel Decision & Parallel Quantum Lives Session
Lesson 17: Parallel Decisions & Parallel Quantum Lives Exercise
Lesson 18: Recap of Module 7
Lesson 19: Self Assessments
Module 8: Between Lives - Karma Or Reaction?
Lesson 1: Between Lives Regression
Lesson 2: Brain Waves & Between Lives Regression
Lesson 3: The Astral Veil
Lesson 4: You Are Energy
Lesson 5: Your World Is Your Creation
Lesson 6: Soul Groups
Lesson 7: Karma - Choice, Reaction or Belief
Lesson 8: Other Realities/Frequencies
Lesson 9: The Consultation for a Between Lives Session
Lesson 10: The Process of a Between Lives Practical Demonstration
Lesson 11: Between Lives Practical Demonstration
Lesson 12: Between Lives Exercise
Lesson 13: Recap of Module 8
Lesson 14: Self Assessments
Module 9: Being A Regression Specialist
Lesson 1: Self Care As A Therapist
Lesson 2: Final Summary & Assessments
Lesson 3: Moving Forward As A Regression Specialist
Lesson 4: Final Assessment Questions for the Regression Mastermind Program
Lesson 5: Final Assessment Questions for the Regression Mastermind
BONUS LESSON 1: Dynamic Integration for Moving Through Self Sabotage
BONUS LESSON 2: How To Easily Direct Your Clients To Their Root Issue
BONUS LESSON 3: Effective Healing Modalities To Use Within Regression Activating Self Care As A Therapist
BONUS LESSON 4: De-Cord Meditation - Do Not Listen To Whilst In A Moving Vehicle or Whilst Operating Machinery
BONUS LESSON 5: Healing The Cells - Part 1: Thoughts & Feelings
BONUS LESSON 6: Healing The Cells - Part 2: Cold Showers, 11/22's & Fast Writing
BONUS LESSON 7: Self Care as a Therapist PDF
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Lesson 2: Understanding Regression - Other Lives, Other Realities
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